This story tells about the beautiful journey of a hermit crab. Hermit crab sheds its shell a few times a year, depending on its growth. We have a salted tank aquarium at home and Nathan loves watching the hermit crab moving inside our aquarium. The hermit crab, before going to a new shell, undergoes a huge process. It starts to dig a lot because it hides under the sand before moving into a new shell. The hermit crab, as a part of getting big, sheds its Exoskeleton and hides under the sand. Sometimes two hermit crabs fight for the shell, and the result always is that the weaker one always dies. The hermit crab dies if any fish or crab disturbs them when they are hiding under the sand during their molting process.
All this information I observed in our fish tank and also my husband never misses updating this for me. So back to this story.

The hermit crab is in search of a new shell, and he found one, after a lot of courage. But he feels very lonely in his new shell, and decides to find friends for his new shell. He passes through a lot of sea animals, like sea anemones, sea urchins, coral, snails, starfish, and lantern fish. They all became hermit crab’s friends in his underwater journey. Just after a year, the hermit crab grew and he wanted to change his shell again, forcing him to make a very difficult decision. Will he leave his friends for a new shell?

This is our sole hermit crab remaining after a huge battle with other hermit crabs. I am impressed by it and look how it’s looking at me while I am snapping it.
This is an incredibly illustrated story about hermit crab and it took the readers on a yearly timeline. Each page talks about each month of the year and it’s easy for the kids to understand the months of the year. Also, a perfect book for learning ocean unit study.
This book also emphasis learning about change. No human likes change, and this story is a perfect reminder to accept the change and live with it happily. When we turn back to this year, none of us would have believed we could stay indoors without recreation. Initially, it was a disaster to accept the new normal, but fast-forward now we gladly accepted the change. All it takes is an act of courage, like the hermit crab, to accept any change in our life.
A beautiful read for all ages and add it to your home library.
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