BOOK NAME: WHO ATE ALL THAT UP? AUTHOR: SEJAL MEHTA ILLUSTRATOR: ROHAN CHAKRAVARTY PAGE: 12 PUBLISHER: PRATHAM BOOKS AGE RECOMMENDED: 3+ There’s a wild boar fan at home and this book helps us to know more about their habitat. Did you know that nothing goes to waste in a forest? A leopard’s unfinished hunt is […]
REVIEW: Did you hear? by Sejal Mehta
BOOK NAME: DID YOU HEAR? AUTHOR: SEJAL MEHTA ILLUSTRATOR: ROHAN CHAKRAVARTY PAGES: 8 PUBLISHER: PRATHAM BOOKS AGE RECOMMENDED: 3+ Do you hear birds chirping around you? If yes, listen to their chirp and relate their sound to our daily activity. This story walks us through a few regional birds which are not common in our […]
REVIEW: UH-OH by Aparna Kapur and Radha Rangarajan
BOOK NAME: UH-OH AUTHOR: APARNA KAPUR AND RADHA RANGARAJAN ILLUSTRATOR: KINGSHUK CHAUDHARY PAGES: 16 PUBLISHER: PRATHAM BOOKS AGE RECOMMENDED: 3+ Do you know there are many animals and plants that use all tricks to protect themselves from danger? A hilarious, interactive book with gorgeous illustrations crafted for young minds and also for adults. Gecko hides […]
REVIEW: Animal Homes by Ashwitha Jayakumar
BOOK NAME: ANIMAL HOMES AUTHOR: ASHWITHA JAYAKUMAR ILLUSTRATOR: NAFISA NANDINI CRISHNA PAGES: 12 PUBLISHER: PRATHAM BOOKS AGE RECOMMENDED: 2+ We find different Animals, Birds, Insects and water mammals near our home or inside our home or while going out for a nature walk or in a zoo. Sometimes we get questioned by young kids about […]
REVIEW: The Birdie post by Bhavna Jain Bhuta
BOOK NAME: THE BIRDIE POST AUTHOR: BHAVNA JAIN BHUTA ILLUSTRATOR: JAIKAR MARUR PAGES: 20 PUBLISHER: TULIKA AGE RECOMMENDED: 2+ Wondering, how birds communicate with each other. Then this is a great story to know how they do. Chikki”s mother wanted to give a message to bitti aunty, but chikki was lazy to fly to her […]
REVIEW: Snoring Shanmugam by Radhika Chadha
BOOK NAME: SNORING SHANMUGAM AUTHOR: RADHIKA CHADHA ILLUSTRATOR: PRIYA KURIYAN PAGES: 28 PUBLISHER: TULIKA AGE RECOMMENDED: 2.5+ Shanmugam the lion is the king of the jungle, but all he does is sleep Worse, he snores Khorhrhrhrh… Phsheew… Khorhrhrhrh… All animals except Amma the elephant get angry at Shanmugam for eating and sleeping all day. Amma […]
REVIEW: Rooster Raga by Natasha Sharma
BOOK NAME: ROOSTER RAGA AUTHOR: NATASHA SHARMA ILLUSTRATOR: PRIYA KURIYAN PAGES: 28 PUBLISHER: TULIKA AGE RECOMMENDED: 2+ Do you know every rooster sings Kukaroo kuroo raga, there’s a rooster called Ruru who can make different ragas but not Kukaroo kuroo. His friends try to help in all possible ways, but end up hearing new ragas. […]
REVIEW: KOZHUKATTA By Sumi Chandrasekharan
BOOK NAME: KOZHUKATTA AUTHOR: SUMI CHANDRASEKHARAN ILLUSTRATOR: ZAFOUKO YAMAMOTO PAGES: 24 PUBLISHER: TOTA BOOKS AGE RECOMMENDED: 3+ Poonu, the main protagonist of the story, is very forgetful and can’t remember things. He loves food and often gets frustrated for not remembering the favourite foods his wife cooks. One day, while visiting his friend’s house, he […]
REVIEW: You Can’t Find Me! By Jemma Jose
BOOK NAME: YOU CAN’T FIND ME! AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: JEMMA JOSE PAGES: 24 PUBLISHER: PRATHAM BOOKS AGE RECOMMENDED: 4+ This book was gifted to us by Swati from The Bookmark for an honest review. Mia is the character from the book and challenges the reader to a game of Hide and seek! She is confident […]
REVIEW: Food Monster By Meenu Thomas
BOOK NAME: FOOD MONSTER AUTHOR: MEENU THOMAS ILLUSTRATOR: AINDRI CHAKRABORTY PAGES: 12 PUBLISHER: PRATHAM BOOKS AGE RECOMMENDED: 2+ India has a variety of foods that come in different shapes and sizes. Food Monster takes us on a journey of India’s food, from roti to dosa to chakli to a barfi. I found this book very […]